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dc.contributor.authorTsybulya, S. D.-
dc.contributor.authorStarchak, V. G.-
dc.contributor.authorIvanenko, K. N.-
dc.contributor.authorBuyalskaya, N. P.-
dc.contributor.authorKostenkoa, I. A.-
dc.descriptionEffect of Radioactive Contamination of the Medium on the Durability of Steel 20 / S. D. Tsybulya, V. G. Starchak, K. N. Ivanenko, N. P. Buyalskaya, I. A. Kostenko // Radiochemistry. - Vol. 59. - No. 5. - 2017. – pp. 535-540en_US
dc.description.abstractThe effect that the ionizing radiation caused by radioactive contamination of soil exerts on the surface of carbon steel 20 samples, on their corrosion resistance, and on operation reliability according to lowcycle fatigue tests (taking into account that fatigue is one of the main causes of failures resulting from corrosion and mechanical damage of thin-wall metal structures, in particular, of pipelines) was studied. It was shown that even low activity levels (below maximum permissible levels) caused corrosion loss of the metal and a decrease in the operation reliability. Synergistic protective compounds suppressing the destructive radiation effects and ensuring reliable operation of metal structures due to chelation of the surface metal atoms were developed using computer simulation.en_US
dc.subjectradioactive radiationen_US
dc.subjectmetal surfacesen_US
dc.subjectcorrosion lossen_US
dc.subjectlow-cycle fatigueen_US
dc.subjectprotection by metal chelationen_US
dc.titleEffect of Radioactive Contamination of the Medium on the Durability of Steel 20en_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Цибуля С. Д.: наукові статті
Буяльська Н. П.: наукові статті

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