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dc.contributor.authorКочина, О. С.-
dc.descriptionPractical Aspects of Criminal and Law Characteristics of Cyber Crimes in Ukraine / N. Ustrytska, L. Skreklia, O. Kochyna, I. Kopotun, O. Honcharenko // Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory, 2020. - Vol. 23. - Issue. 2. https://www.abacademies.org/articles/practical-aspects-of-criminal-and-law-characteristics-of-cyber-crimes-in-ukraine-9138.html.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article summarizes the theoretical generalization and solves the scientific problem, which consists in identifying the peculiarities of the criminal law qualification of crimes in the sphere of use of electronic computers (computers), systems and computer networks and telecommunication networks, and development based on it proposals for improvement of the current legislation. The general theoretical aspects of criminal legal qualification of crimes in the sphere of use of electronic computers (computers), systems and computer networks and telecommunication networks have been established. It is established that the criminal legal qualification of these crimes acts as an instrument of realization of lawfulness in criminal proceedings. The view was maintained that such a qualification is a qualitative reflection of the study of the circumstances in which a socially dangerous, unlawful, guilty, criminal act was committed.en_US
dc.subjectInformation Spaceen_US
dc.subjectOrganized Computer Crimeen_US
dc.subjectVirtual Gangsen_US
dc.titlePractical Aspects of Criminal and Law Characteristics of Cyber Crimes in Ukraineen_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кочина О. С.: наукові статті

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