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Назва: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Humanistic Reorientation of Modern Society
Автори: Мельник, О. Є .
Шакун, Н. В.
Герасименко, О. В.
Нітченко, А. Г.
Колєватов, О. О.
Ключові слова: humanism
anthropocentric constants
social philosophy
Дата публікації: 2022
Видавництво: Єреван
Серія/номер: ;2 (22)
Короткий огляд (реферат): Modern socio-philosophical discourse is in a state of humanistic reorientation. Hence, the subject of scientific exploration is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of humanistic principles of the scientific picture of the world. The research aims to develop the constants of humanism, which constitute a humanistically oriented sociocultural space. The result of the work is the illumination of the interaction of fundamental humanistic aspects of responsibility, activity, creativity, and self-organization. Humanism differs significantly from its previous versions in its modern socio-philosophical interpretation. First of all, it deals with the realities of modern human civilization, balancing between dialectical confrontation and synergetic combination. This is how the methodological basis of the humanities-science discourse is formed, which increasingly gravitates toward a philosophical-synergetic manifestation. Philosophy and science of the present interpret the human being not only in the classical natural science or humanities perspective. The dichotomy of transdisciplinarity (which generates diversity) and anthropocentrism (which is grounded in the supremacy of the human being) is relevant today. Humanistic orientation acts as a regulator for the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, in which moral and spiritual values are lost. Thus, the humanistic paradigm forms the methodological guidelines for the social cluster.
Опис: Melnyk, O. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Humanistic Reorientation of Modern Society / O. Melnyk, N. Shakun, O. Herasymenko, A. Nitchenko, O. Kolievatov // W I S D O M, 2022. – № 2 (22). - Р. 59-67.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.stu.cn.ua/123456789/25834
Розташовується у зібраннях:Колєватов О.О.: наукові статті
Нітченко А. Г.: наукові статті
Герасименко О. В.: наукові статті
Шакун Н. В.: наукові статті
Мельник О.Є.: наукові статті

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