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dc.contributor.authorШинкаренко, В. Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorКотлярова, В. В.-
dc.contributor.authorМонахов, Є. А.-
dc.contributor.authorКрасовський, П. О.-
dc.descriptionШинкаренко, В. Структурні мутації в адаптивній еволюції електромеханічних перетворювачів енергії / В. Шинкаренко, В. Котлярова, Є. Монахов, П. Красовський // Технічні науки та технології. - 2022. - № 1 (28). - С. 111-126.en_US
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано системність явища мутагенезу – одного з найменше дослідженого й найбільш продуктивного процесу структуроутворення в еволюції генетично організованих систем природного і антропогенного походження. Досліджено ізоморфізми поняття мутацій у системах різної генетичної природи. Узагальнено наукові положення хромосомної теорії спадковості об’єктів електромеханіки Проаналізовано напрями та приклади практичного використання хромосомних мутацій у просторово-адаптивному структуроутворенні об’єктів електромеханіки й визначено їхнє особливе значення в стратегії генетичного передбачення і контрольованої генетичної коеволюції людини, природи і техніки.en_US
dc.publisherЧернігів : НУ "Чернігівська політехніка"en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesТехнічні науки та технології;№ 2 (28)-
dc.subjectelectromechanical objectsen_US
dc.subjectgenetic evolutionen_US
dc.subjectsystem isomorphsen_US
dc.subjectelectromagnetic chromosomeen_US
dc.subjectgenetic codeen_US
dc.subjecttheory of chromosome structure formationen_US
dc.subjectchromosome mutationen_US
dc.subjectелектромеханічні об’єктиen_US
dc.subjectгенетична еволюціяen_US
dc.subjectсистемні ізоморфізмиen_US
dc.subjectелектромагнітна хромосомаen_US
dc.subjectгенетичний кодen_US
dc.subjectхромосомна теорія структуроутворенняen_US
dc.subjectхромосомна мутаціяen_US
dc.titleСтруктурні мутації в адаптивній еволюції електромеханічних перетворювачів енергіїen_US
dc.title.alternativeStructural mutations in adaptive evolution оf electromechanical energy convertersen_US
dc.description.abstractalt1COVID-19 pandemic that involved almost whole world doesn’t call any doubts to anyone that humankind`s fate is determined at present and future times by level of knowledge and technologies which have ability to recognize properties and define laws of variability of elemental genetic chromosome level. Humankind stands at the doorstep to a genomic era. Significant achievement of the science in the new period became the awareness that inheritance principles and genetic evolution laws are not prerogative just for live nature systems, but have general systematic character. Structural diversity and evolution of genetically organized systems with different physical nature which variety (spectrum) spread from space, through chemical, biologic to social and anthropogenic systems are defined through own element informational basis and general systematic principles of inherited forming structure. Cognition of genetic principles of structural organization is key in concept of harmonic coexistence of mankind, nature and technology. The term mutation in modern science has come out of the limits of biology and became a research object in chemistry, linguistics, musical theory, mathematics, computing machinery, architecture, sociology and political science, project management and other scientific subjects. Nevertheless, in the technical sciences level of knowledge and genomic-evolutionary research is being at initial stage. Therefore, one of the most important systematical research directions is cognition of evolutionary processes of genetic structural forming and structural variability of technical objects, that open route to strategy of genetic foreseeing and interdisciplinary synthesis of complex systems with different genetic nature components. This article is dedicated to systematic analysis of structural mutagenesis – one of the most productive and less studied process in innovative structure forming and evolution of electromechanical objects. In accordance to fundamental notion of electromagnetic chromosome, the primary source of electromagnetic field, genetic information and universal genetic code which unambiguously determined by its position in periodic structure of genetic classification is set. Electromagnetic chromosomes fulfill role of output holistic elements in genetic structure forming of electromechanical objects and higher complexity level systems. The determined informational interrelation of primary electromagnetic field sources and complexity level of electromechanical objects is shown. Electromagnetic, topological and geometrical properties of electromagnetic chromosomes which are defined by general systematic principles of electric charge conservation, electromagnetic symmetry, topology and generalized by terms of genetic information are analyzed. The classification of main variety of electromagnetic chromosomes is given. It is shown, that chromosome mutation is one of the most productive direction in heritable variety of structures, that are responsible for saving and transferring genetic information in a number of generations of electromechanical objects. It is defined that steadfast combination of genetic synthesis operators with participation of chromosome mutation, which are used in technical evolution of functional classes of electromechanical objects. In accordance to term of structural mutation, the violation of optimal geometrical ratios and proportions, relative orientation, position in space or overlapping of active parts are set. The term of magnetic mutation that are caused by local violation of magnetic field symmetry, namely combining of corresponding electromagnetic parameters is introduced and generalized. It is shown that electromagnetic chromosome`s predisposition to structural mutation is determined by topological properties of electromagnetic chromosome within corresponding subgroups in periodic structure of its genetic classification. By using the genetic foreseeing technology, for the first-time discovered mutations of interspecific and intergeneric levels, which are define existence limits and principles of electromechanical object`s genetic synthesis with 2D- and 3D-space active zone adaptation. The mutation structure forming processes are initiated by human and perform adaptive function that accompanied by gaining corresponding emergent effect.en_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:Технічні науки та технології. – 2022. – №2 (28)

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