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dc.contributor.authorЛисенко, І. В.-
dc.descriptionLysenko, І. Support for the social entrepreneurship in the time of modern challenges: Ukrainian experience / І. Lysenko // Social Entrepreneurship – Innovation and Contemporary Challenges / еdited by Jan-Urban Sandal. - Sandal Institute, 2021 – Р. 25-49. ISBN 978-82-93329-14-5 e-book https://janusandal.no/en/sandal-institute-publishing/all-books/6-social-entrepreneurship-innovation-and-contemporary-challengesuk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study is to create sound proposals for ways to support social entrepreneurship in Ukraine in the period of modern challenges, based on the analysis of socio-economic indicators, regulatory framework of European countries and Ukraine. The objectives of the study are: to analyze the state of the art, economic and social contribution of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine; to study and compare the legislative and normative acts of legal regulation of the social entrepreneurship entities functioning, relevant principles and backgrounds of their practical activity (including state and public support, financing) in the EU countries and in Ukraine; to offer concrete proposals for the support and development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, taking into account the positive European experience. The research methodology is a comparative and retrospective analysis of statistical, sociological materials, regulatory framework and practice of its application to the object of study.uk_UA
dc.publisherSandal Instituteuk_UA
dc.titleSupport for the social entrepreneurship in the time of modern challenges: Ukrainian experienceuk_UA
dc.typeBook chapteruk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Лисенко І. В.: наукові статті

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