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dc.contributor.authorДивнич, Г. А.-
dc.descriptionDyvnych H. DEVELOPMENT OF VETERANS’ SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE. International scientific conference «Pedagogy and psychology in the modern world: interaction vectors» : conference proceedings (August 2–3, 2023 Wloclawek, the Republic of Poland). Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», 2023. P. 5-8. https://doi.org/10.30525/978-9934-26-332-3-1uk_UA
dc.description.abstractSince the beginning of 2020, there is the Concept of implementation of state policy in the field of development of socially responsible business in Ukraine for the period until 2030, which provides for the encouragement by the state of business entities that, during their activities, adhere to international standards and principles of responsible business conduct. This is caused by the difficult economic and social situation in Ukraine, such as: a sharp drop in the gross domestic product, the physical destruction of a large number of enterprises, significant scales of external labour migration, the loss of its intellectual and physical potential, limited investment opportunities in the economy and the emergence of new vulnerable population groups or social groups with special needs (internally displaced persons, temporarily displaced persons, veterans, persons who have lost their homes, etc.). Thus, our state needs to pay special attention to the development of joint ventures for the post-war recovery of Ukraine.uk_UA
dc.publisherRiga : Baltija Publishinguk_UA
dc.titleDevelopment of veterans’ social entrepreneurship in Ukraineuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeРозвиток ветеранського соціального підприємництва в Україніuk_UA
dc.typeWorking Paperuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Дивнич Г. А.: доповіді, тези доповідей

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