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dc.contributor.authorТерещук, О. І.-
dc.contributor.authorКоваленко, С. В.-
dc.contributor.authorСахно, Є. Ю.-
dc.contributor.authorЩербак, Ю. В.-
dc.contributor.authorМовенко, В. І.-
dc.descriptionПроект озеленення території паркової зони «Березовий гай» у м. Чернігів / О. Терещук, С. Коваленко, Є. Сахно, Ю. Щербак, В. Мовенко // Технічні науки та технології. - 2023. - № 3 (33). - С. 242-250.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ роботі розглянуті завдання реалізації проекту озеленення території паркової зони «Березовий гай» у м. Чернігів, що передбачають: проведення пропагандистсько-просвітницького заходу «Подих рідного міста», спрямованого на підвищення обізнаності школярів, студентів та інших верств населення м. Чернігова у питаннях створення та збереження новостворених зелених насаджень та має на меті об'єднати різні верстви населення навколо озеленення міста, осучаснення та облаштування міських парків і скверів, формування екокультури та дбайливого ставлення до навколишнього середовища; роботи з вибору ділянки для посадки дерев, закупівлі саджанців та інформування студентів, школярів і мешканців прилеглих територій про можливість долучення їх до робіт з озеленення території дитячого ігрового майданчика, розташованого на території парку відпочинку «Березовий гай».uk_UA
dc.publisherЧернігів : НУ "Чернігівська політехніка"uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesТехнічні науки та технології;№ 3 (33)-
dc.subjectgreen spacesuk_UA
dc.subjectозеленення територіїuk_UA
dc.subjectзелені насадженняuk_UA
dc.subjectнавколишнє середовищеuk_UA
dc.titleПроект озеленення території паркової зони «Березовий гай» у м. Чернігівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of the project of landscaping of territory of the park zone "Вerezovyy hay" in Сhernihivuk_UA
dc.description.abstractalt1Relevance of the research topic. The urban environment with its dusty and polluted air, temperature regime worsens the sanitary and microclimatic conditions in which life, production activities and recreation of the population of Ukraine take place. According to the normative indicators, up to 50% of the residential territory of our cities and other settlements is under all types of plantations. There should be up to 60 m2 of plantations per inhabitant (including 12-24 m2 of public plantations). However, the task of urban landscaping is not only to increase the area of greenery, but also the uniform distribution of greenery throughout the territory, extensive indoor and courtyard landscaping, reconstruction of existing parks, gardens, boulevards and squares. Therefore, it is necessary to bring human habitation as close as possible to the conditions of nature, to ensure normal recreation near the home and place of work, to create a single ensemble of the city and nature. Problem statement. The positive effect of green areas on the human condition, especially on the respiratory system, has long been established. They play a significant role in shaping the human environment because they have the ability to improve the sanitary and hygienic situation. Green plantings of park complexes act as an environment-forming natural factor that is able to perform aesthetic, health, thermoregulatory functions. The green plantations of the Chernihiv city went through a long stage of formation, the main part of which was planted and formed in the pre-and post-war period. Thus, the average age of trees, especially in the central part of the city, is 50-70 years, with the optimal - 40 years, and changes in the age structure of plantations are critical. Unlike inanimate assets, trees have a living resource and a time when they have the highest quality performance impact on the environment. In addition, among the tree plantations fast-growing and short-lived species, which lose their decorativeness with age, dominate. In the short term, these facts will have the effect of significantly reducing the number of trees and deteriorating the safety of plantations. Analysis of recent research and publications. The paper discusses recent publications on this topic, which are presented in the public domain, including scientific journals, textbooks and data from the Internet. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Modern society has accumulated extensive experience in landscaping and greening of cities, created a wide range of plants for landscaping, found specific techniques for landscaping, clarified the features of the maintenance of greenery. However, landscaping remains the most important area of municipal activity. It is here that the necessary conditions for a high standard of living are created. Thus, conditions are created that make the life of each individual healthy, comfortable, convenient, regardless of residence place. The research objective. The increase in the number of vehicles, chaotic buildings, the impact of human production and recreational activities every year increasingly leads to unfavorable conditions for life and health of the population of Ukrainian cities. Therefore, the task was to develop and implement a project of landscaping of the park zone "Berezovyy hay" in Chernihiv. The statement of basic materials. The project of landscaping the park area provides for a propagating educational event "Breath of the hometown", which aims to raise awareness of schoolchildren, students and other segments of the Chernihiv population towards the creation and preservation of newly created greenery and aims to unite different segments of the Cher-nihiv population around landscaping the city, modernization and arrangement of city parks and squares, the formation of eco-culture and care for the environment. In the process of project implementation, work was carried out to select a site for planting trees, purchase seedlings and inform students, schoolchildren and residents of the surrounding areas about the possibility of involving them in a children's playground landscaping located in the recreation park "Berezovyy hay". Conclusions. The project "Breath of the hometown" will implement the state policy in the field of patriotic environmental education; improve the environmental situation in the district through landscaping and gardening amusement park; to form ecological culture of students and pupils on the basis of labor, spiritual and moral development of the person through joint activity of pupils, teachers, parents, inhabitants of the residential district in improvement of the Berezovyy hay. For the popu-lation, the propaganda and educational event can be an impetus for increasing social activity and the level of general culture of the population in the protection and preservation of the environment, the formation of environmental awareness and respon-sibility and the development of practical skills. For the city as a whole, the event will improve the aesthetic appearance of the territory; will improve sanitary and hygienic and create a more favorable environmental conditions.uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Мовенко В. І.: наукові статті
Щербак Ю. В.: наукові статті
Сахно Є. Ю.: наукові статті
Коваленко С. В.: наукові статті
Терещук О. І.: наукові статті
Технічні науки та технології. – 2023. – №3 (33)

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