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Назва: Antimicrobial approaches for textiles
Інші назви: Антимікробна обробка текстильних матеріалів
Автори: Ishchenko, О.
Sumska, О.
Smykalo, К.
Feshchuk, Yu.
Kuchynska, D.
Ключові слова: антимікробний захист
модифіковані полісахариди
четвертинна амонійна сіль
антимікробний засіб
antimicrobial protection
modified polysaccharides
quaternary ammonium salt
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Чернігів : НУ "Чернігівська політехніка"
Серія/номер: Технічні науки та технології;№ 4 (34)
Короткий огляд (реферат): The use of textile materials with antimicrobial treatment is one of the ways to effectively protect a person from exposure to various pathogens. The article is devoted to the topical issue of the development of innovative textile materials with prolonged antimicrobial treatment. To establish the possibility and features of obtaining innovative textile materials with long-term antimicrobial treatment. To prepare this article, many materials were considered, as well as ready-made solutions that were publicly available. Despite the fact that research on this topic was conducted, in order to obtain a prolonged effect, special attention needs to be paid to the problem of fixing the antimicrobial drug. To establish the technological features of applying a prolonged action antimicrobial treatment to textile material. The main tasks are to determine the composition of the composition and the peculiarities of the processing of the textile material; to investigate the influence of the polymer carrier and the fixing agent on the permanence of the final treatment and the stability of the antimicrobial effect. In order to obtain a prolonged antimicrobial effect, the problem of fixing the antimicrobial drug on the textile material was solved by using the developed preparation composition. The proposed finishing compound contains carboxymethylated starch, decamethoxine as a bactericidal drug and an agent for fixing them on the textile material - potassium iodide. The effect of the finishing components on the sorption of modified starch by cotton fabric was studied and a significant increase in its content on the fabric was revealed during simultaneous impregnation. The detected phenomenon is proposed to be explained by the formation of an ionic bond between carboxymethyl groups and decamethoxin. The technological features of applying a long-acting antimicrobial treatment to a textile material, which consists in the use of a one-stage technology, have been clarified. The influence of the polymer carrier and the fixing agent on the permanence of the final treatment and the stability of the antimicrobial effect is shown. The results of antimicrobial tests of prepared samples processed by various technological methods are presented. It was found that the fabric prepared according to the proposed technological regimes has an antimicrobial effect that is resistant to multiple washings. The developed technology is promising and can be implemented on the equipment of finishing factories.
Опис: Ishchenko, O., Sumska, O., Smykalo, K., Feshchuk, Yu., Kuchynska, D. (2023). Antimicrobial approaches for textiles. Technical sciences and technologies, 4(34), 115-128.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.stu.cn.ua/123456789/29900
Розташовується у зібраннях:Технічні науки та технології. – 2023. – №4 (34)

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