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Назва: Application of fibrous materials with sorption properties in water purification technologies
Інші назви: Застосування волокнистих матеріалів із сорбційними властивостями в технологіях водоочищення
Автори: Plavan, V.
Tarasenko, N.
Lisovska, І.
Ключові слова: технології водоочищення
хемосорбційний композиційний матеріал
сорбційно-фільтрувальний елемент
неткані матеріали
глинисті мінерали
полівініловий спирт
water purification technologies
chemisorption composite material
sorption-filtering element
non-woven materials
clay minerals
polyvinyl alcohol
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Чернігів : НУ "Чернігівська політехніка"
Серія/номер: Технічні науки та технології;№ 4 (34)
Короткий огляд (реферат): The algorithm for the technological process of obtaining a chemisorption composite material based on waste chemical fibers filled with clay powders for the purification of wastewater from heavy metal ions has been developed. Non-woven materials obtained from polyurethane-polyamide chemical fiber waste were used as a basis in the work. To increase the mechanical strength, they were fastened by the needle punching method with a knitted fabric with a surface density of 240 g/m2, which was made by plaited weaving using cotton yarn with a linear density of 25 tex and polyethylene complex threads with a linear density of 16.5 tex on a single-font circular knitting machine of the MS type. To strengthen the sorption capacity, clay powders of the montmorillonite type were introduced into the fibrous base in the form of filled dispersions of starch (2-3 %) or polyvinyl alcohol (3%) in the amount of 5 to 10% of the mass of the dispersion. Sorption-filtering fibrous material filled with clay minerals can be used for wastewater treatment of light and chemical industry enterprises. The use of clay minerals through their introduction into the fibrous base will reduce the hydraulic resistance of the sorbent layer, without using a sorbent of coarse fractions, which will preserve the area of the active absorbing surface. Wastewater treatment can be carried out by passing water through a sorption-filtering element. Cleaning installations can accommodate several sorption-filtering elements at the same time, which increases the efficiency of water purification. It is possible to use chemisorption composite material for cleaning silted drains without the threat of adsorbent clogging, and in return water supply systems, which will reduce the risk of depositing mineral salts on the walls of water purification equipment and ensure high-quality operation of treatment facilities.
Опис: Plavan, V., Tarasenko, N., Lisovska, I. (2023). Application of fibrous materials with sorption properties in water purification technologies. Technical sciences and technologies, 4(34), 129-137.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.stu.cn.ua/123456789/29901
Розташовується у зібраннях:Технічні науки та технології. – 2023. – №4 (34)

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