State and dynamics of the innovative activity in Ukraine was investigated. Endogenous and exogenous factors influencing on the innovative activity commitment of the industrial enterprises were determined. Main factors that stipulated technological lag of national economy from the economy of the developed countries of the world were analyzed. Possibilities that are submitted by the market economy for activation of innovative processes in the actual sector of economy were considered. The role of innovative potential of the enterprises in accelerating of innovative update of their main funds was shown. Factors of the market influence on activating of the innovative processes at the enterprise were revealed that are stipulated directly by the demands of competitive area concerning competitiveness increase on the domestic market and by the factors of macro environment concerning increase of the status of Ukraine as a highly technological state in the world economic sphere. It was shown, that to solve the problem of technological lag of the domestic production from the developed in technological area countries, it is necessary to implement offensive innovative strategy using both existing scientific-technological potential, and additional resources involving outstanding before scientific schools by strong financial support from the state.
Ilchuk, Valerii Innovative development of the production enterprises by increasing competitiveness of the national economy / Valerii Ilchuk, Iryna Sadchykova // Проблеми і перспективи економіки та управління. – 2017. – № 1 (9). – C. 50-61.