Currently various models are used for distance learning quality evaluation. The main issues with these models deal with the amount of time required for implementation and absence of the main factors involved in the distance learning organization process. Therefore, they cannot be used for quality evaluation of interactive distance learning courses. The multicriteria model of quality evaluation of the interactive distance learning course (IDLC) is considered. It includes the following criteria: the quality level of educational materials; the quality level of staffing; the quality level of software and hardware. An automated system "IDLC Quality Assessment" has been developed, which offers both numerical values and fuzzy interpretations.
Rudniev, D. Quality evaluation model of interactive distance learning course / D. Rudniev, K. Fokin, O. Trunova, M. Voitsekhovska // Технічні науки та технології. – 2021. – № 2(24). – С. 55-66.