Background: In modern conditions, the concept of Lean has proven its effectiveness both in the production sphere and in the sphere of services, and public administration. In addition, this philosophy is becoming popular ...
Background: In modern terms the orientation of enterprises of veterinary medicine on the real requirements of market induces newly to estimate innovative approaches of management, which will promote effective activity of ...
Background: Under circumstances plenty of destructions of civil objects and objects of infrastructure on all territory of our country, forced migration of population, through military aggression, inflationary processes, ...
Background: Significant and continuous growth of the digital economy and e-commerce is a global trend, which is appeared due to the increasing convenience of using information technologies in the everyday life. Usage of ...
The financial crisis caused by the war played the role of catalyst of development crisis management for Ukraine, impelling to the awareness – both at the level of public consciousness and domestic politics – necessity of ...
Background: Lean manufacturing is a type of production when manufacturing process is based on an ideology of maximizing productivity while simultaneously minimizing waste within a manufacturing operation. According to the ...
A study of the impact of advanced technologies on positive transformations in the community and new opportunities for development was conducted, during which the hypothesis was tested whether the presence of electronic ...
The implementation of the Lean approach in production and service companies of Ukraine gives really positive results in the form of increased productivity, turnover, profitability, etc. The application of this concept in ...
Strategic planning of city development is a systematic decision-making process, focused on the community needs, and aimed to solve the most urgent local problems and to attain the optimal exploitation of competitive benefits, ...
In the conditions of frequent blackouts of the central power supply during military operations, there is a need to use additional power supplies, but special attention is paid to those based on renewable energy sources ...
This book is published as one of the outputs of the development project titled “Enhancement of the PhD Students Potential for Qualitative Research in Ukraine“, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech ...