Flexible elastic elements, the oscillation model of which is a string, are found quite often in engineering, machines and technological equipment. These are such structures and details as ropes, cables, threads, tapes, chains, which are widely used in rope-lifting structures for the transport of goods, in which a rope stretched between supports is used to move carts and wagons; in lifting and transport machines of continuous action (conveyors, elevators, escalators); in devices of ground and suspended transport (funiculars, cable cars). In most of the works devoted to this problem, the study of dynamic processes in flexible working members is built on the basis of presenting the solution of solvable equations in the form of one group of standing waves. Such presentation of the solution does not allow to describe the full dynamic picture of transverse and longitudinal oscillations of flexible working members over the entire range of changes in their movement speeds, associated with the two-wave character of the processes occurring in such installations. If at low speeds of movement the results obtained with a single-wave presentation of solutions are suitable for solving technical problems, then with an increase in the speed of cargo flows, studies conducted on the basis of such a presentation lead to significant errors, both qualitative and quantitative
Karyachenko, N. Numerical solution of the problem of transverse oscillations of movable flexible working bodies transporting concentrated loads / N. Karyachenko // Комплексне забезпечення якості технологічних процесів та систем (КЗЯТПС – 2023) : тези доповідей XІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Чернігів, 25–26 травня 2023 р.) : у 2 т. Т. 1. – Чернігів : НУ «Чернігівська політехніка», 2023. – С. 25.