Geometrically-accurate gearing with intermediate balls were proposed in the second half of
2010s (in March 2, 2018; patent pending). They are originated from conformal/Novikov
gearing. No intensive research of this gear system has been carried out so far. To this end, it is
likely the monograph is the only source where certain analysis of workable gearing that features
intermediate balls is outlined. A bit more scientific results in this regard can be found out in the
Radzevich, Stephen Specifics in kinematics of gearing with intermediate balls / Stephen
Radzevich // Комплексне забезпечення якості технологічних процесів та систем (КЗЯТПС – 2023) : тези доповідей XІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Чернігів, 25–26 травня 2023 р.) : у 2 т. Т. 1. – Чернігів : НУ «Чернігівська політехніка», 2023. – С. 21-22.