The coating is a locally modified surface layer, characterized by a certain chemical and structural phase composition, which is qualitatively different from the base material. Among the methods of surface strengthening, titanium-based protective coatings obtained by various methods of surface modification are widely used. Currently, an urgent scientific task is the development and application of new highly effective technologies for surface strengthening of parts made of structural materials, which allow to reduce material and energy costs in the processing process. A promising way to obtain coatings with adjustable composition, structure and operational characteristics with a limited or minimal time for their formation is the alloying of structural materials under the conditions of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis.
Increasing the reliability of the pressure mechanism of rolling mill / I. Kruglyak, R. Kryvko, K. Guliaev, D. Sereda, I. Chyzhov // Комплексне забезпечення якості технологічних процесів та систем (КЗЯТПС – 2023) : тези доповідей XІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Чернігів, 25–26 травня 2023 р.) : у 2 т. Т. 1. – Чернігів : НУ «Чернігівська політехніка», 2023. – С. 29.