The issues, associated with the evaluation of quality of distance learning system, were discovered. The most significant
data and statistical units, which are used to asses the quality of distance learning system, were investigated. The data, which can be obtained from the internal database of the distance learning system using standard tools, was considered. The method of obtaining data, based on the network traffic monitoring using active network techniques, was proposed.
Казимир, В. В. Методи збору даних для оцінки якості системи дистанційного навчання / В. В. Казимир, О. П. Дрозд, М. В. Тевкун, І. С. Посадська // Вісник Чернігівського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки. - 2013. – №4 (69). – C. 144-153.