The article deals with the process of improving the system of social protection of persons who need state support. The present state of social protection of the population is analyzed. The normative-legal regulation of social protection of the population in Ukraine is considered. The research explores the legislative acts in which establish numerous state social support of citizens and normative and legal documents defining the bases of social protection and guaranteeing social security by providing privileges, benefits and state social support to the participants of the antiterrorist operation and members their families. The modern system of providing social support in Ukraine and social rehabilitation of people who have returned from the ATO area have been characterized. The system of social protection of people in need, supported by the state, on the basis of Chernihiv region is investigated. Information and legal assistance as a mechanism for improving the quality of social support is considered. Measures to improve social protection of persons in the Chernihiv region are proposed through the development, approval and implementation of appropriate programs, which will be financed by regional and district budgets. These measures include: granting the status to ATO participants who directly participated in hostilities in the volunteer battalions that were not included in the bodies specified by the legislation of Ukraine; payment of one-time help to families of deceased veterans; free accommodation in hostels of family members of deceased ATO participants attending full-time professional and higher education institutions for professional or higher education. It is proposed to develop an effective mechanism for the implementation of social protection in this area and to create a single state body that will be responsible for the effective implementation of the state strategy of social protection of veterans. The proposals on improving the social support system through social rehabilitation and information and legal assistance were formulated, measures were taken to improve the social protection of those in need in Chernihiv region.
Дітковська, М. Ю. Удосконалення системи соціального захисту осіб, які потребують підтримки з боку держави / М. Ю. Дітковська // Публічне адміністрування: наукові дослідження та розвиток. - 2018. № 1 (5). С. 31-38.