Institutional Repository of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

Концептуальні засади стратегічного управління сферою охорони здоров’я

ISSN 2415-363X

Show simple item record Роговий, А. В. Ремньова, Л. М. 2023-04-20T11:21:51Z 2023-04-20T11:21:51Z 2022
dc.description Роговий, А. Концептуальні засади стратегічного управління сферою охорони здоров’я / А. Роговий, Л. Ремньова // Науковий вісник Полісся. - 2022. - № 2 (25). - С. 20-32. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У статті обґрунтовано основні теоретичні засади стратегічного управління сферою охорони здоров’я. Мета статті полягає у формуванні концептуальних засад стратегічного управління галузі охорони здоров’я в умовах трансформаційних процесів. Обґрунтовано, що стратегічне управління сферою охорони здоров`я доцільно розглядати в контексті цільової спрямованості та суб`єктнооб`єктному підході. Визначено основні характерні властивості функціонування галузі охорони здоров’я, що формують передумови до застосування підходів стратегічного управління. Сформульовано мету та завдання стратегічного управління зазначеною сферою діяльності, визначено основні функції та методи, суб’єкти та об’єкти управління. Обґрунтовано теоретичні засади ефективності стратегічного управління системою охорони здоров’я. Визначено пріоритети інноваційного розвитку галузі та напрямки формування інноваційної інфраструктури в контексті стратегічного управління. Обґрунтовано важливість стратегічного управління сферою охорони здоров’я на муніципальному рівні. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Чернігів : НУ "Чернігівська політехніка" uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries Науковий вісник Полісся;№ 2 (25)
dc.subject health care uk_UA
dc.subject medical sphere uk_UA
dc.subject strategic management uk_UA
dc.subject strategy uk_UA
dc.subject innovations uk_UA
dc.subject state regulation uk_UA
dc.subject охорона здоров’я uk_UA
dc.subject медична сфера uk_UA
dc.subject стратегічне управління uk_UA
dc.subject стратегія uk_UA
dc.subject інновації uk_UA
dc.subject державне регулювання uk_UA
dc.title Концептуальні засади стратегічного управління сферою охорони здоров’я uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Conceptual principles of strategic healthcare management uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.description.abstractalt1 The article substantiates the main theoretical principles of strategic management in the field of health care. The purpose of the article is to form the conceptual foundations of strategic management of the health care industry in the conditions of transformational processes. It has been justified that the strategic management of the health care sphere should be considered in the context of target orientation and subject-object approach. The main characteristic properties of the functioning of the health care industry, which form the prerequisites for the application of strategic management approaches, have been determined. The purpose and tasks of strategic management of the specified sphere of activity have been formulated, the main functions and methods, subjects and objects of management have been defined. The theoretical foundations of the effectiveness of strategic management of the health care system have been substantiated. Strategic management of the health care sector is subject to the general mission of increasing the life expectancy of the population. At the same time, the effectiveness of strategic management should be considered in the context of the achievement of medical, social and economic resulting indicators. Therefore, the task of effective strategic management of health care should contain medical, social and economic components. According to the strategic management of the health care sphere, it is expedient to consider the purposeful influence of management subjects on the process of creation, distribution and consumption of quality medical services by solving a complex of social and economic tasks with the aim of reducing mortality and increasing the life expectancy of the population. It has been proved that the development of directions for the development of municipal health care must be coordinated with the strategy for the development of health care as an industry as a whole. The vision of this process by the higher authorities and the corresponding recommendations for the implementation of the intended strategies should serve as a guide for development. The priorities of the innovative development of the industry and the directions of the formation of the innovative infrastructure in the context of strategic management have been determined. The importance of strategic management of health care at the municipal level has been justified. In the context of a strategic approach, it is appropriate to define other priority principles on which the management process should be based: equality of citizens in receiving the required volume and quality of medical care; rational distribution of financial resources among medical institutions by health care management bodies; equal participation of organizations and citizens in health care costs depending on the level of income received; strict control by the relevant authorities over the spending of funds by local health care institutions; consistent implementation of set strategic tasks to achieve the goals of strategic management of the healthcare industry. The health care industry management strategy, as the main document for the implementation of strategic measures, is integral throughout the entire planned period of time, however, subject to changes in environmental conditions, it must be quickly adapted and reoriented. The main thing in the development of the strategy is the principle of rational management, which involves the search for regularities in the formation of the strategy and the solution of strategic tasks. uk_UA

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