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Назва: Diagnosis of plasma glow discharge energy parameters in the processes of treatment small diameter long tubes
Автори: Болотов, Г. П.
Болотов, М. Г.
Прибитько, І. О.
Kharchenko, G. K.
Ключові слова: glow discharge
plasma concentration
hollow cathode
probe technique.
Дата публікації: 2016
Видавництво: Kharkiv : IEEE
Короткий огляд (реферат): Energy characteristics of glow discharge plasma initiated in the hollow cathode while treating of inner surface of small-diameter tubes, which include waveguides for microwave radiation, were studied with a probe technique. It was shown that at the pressure in the gas discharge chamber of 53 Pa and discharge current of 75 mA, in the cathode cavity geometry studied a sufficiently dense plasma with the concentration of charged particles at 1,6•1010 cm-3 which are characterized by a high heterogeneity on cavity height (40 ... 60%) was generated. It was also shown that an effective mechanism of influence on the plasma distribution inside of the cathode cavity where L >> D is the cathode-anode distance change. Such a reduction in length from 40 to 20 mm increases the uniformity of the ion and electron distribution to 15 ... 20%, and the introduction of additional anode in the discharge circuit – to 8 ... 10%.
Опис: Diagnosis of plasma glow discharge energy parameters in the processes of treatment small diameter long tubes [Electronic resource] / G. P. Bolotov, M. G. Bolotov, I. O. Prybytko, G. K. Kharchenko // II International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics and Engineering (YSF)( Kharkiv, 10-14 Oct. 2016).- Kharkiv : IEEE, 2016.- pp.116 – 119. – Режим доступу : https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7753815/
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.stu.cn.ua/123456789/16392
Розташовується у зібраннях:Прибитько І. О.: доповіді, тези доповідей
Болотов М. Г.: доповіді, тези доповідей

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