In order to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising in tourism, it is proposed to separately evaluate
the economic and communicative aspects. Economic efficiency is determined by the ratio of results
from the advertising budget. Communication efficiency is characterized by the degree of attraction of
potential customers. The factors influencing the evaluation of the economic effectiveness of tourist advertising
are summarized, including the use of various marketing tools, the inertia of consumer demand
the instability of the tourist environment, seasonality, and the population's ability to pay. Popular directions
for writing advertising articles in tourism are given. The ideas of the headings of the travel
website pages or articles are highlighted. Marketing tools that affect the communicative effectiveness
of tourist advertising are presented: development of an advertising appeal to consumers, use of SEO
texts, development of the architecture of a tourist site, use of social SEO audit, orientation to sources of
tourist travel reservations. It is recommended to use certain words and phrases, perform visual optimization,
analyze the interaction of the site with search engines, and test the loading speed of the site pages
among the SEO optimization tools for tourist advertising texts. Recommended electronic services for
searching for keywords in advertising tourist texts. It is noted that the popularity of keywords depends
on the season, current news, fashion for types of recreation. The rules of visual optimization of the site,
the ratio of the amount of text to a unit of graphic material are given. Formulated requirements for the
design of a tourist site. The main principles of developing an advertising appeal are presented: taking
into account the specificity of the tourist product, targeting the target audience, determining the motives
of consumers. Some aspects of conducting an advertising company in tourism are disclosed.
Безуглий, І. Фактор діджиталізації туристичної реклами / І. Безуглий, І. Рябов, Т. Рябова // Проблеми і перспективи економіки та управління. - 2023. - № 2 (34). - С. 130-142.